Welcome to the age of the online startup.
Every day, multiple websites are created to announce a new startup and sadly, most of those pages look horrible. In order to attract the users you have to be able to provide a catchy description, features, and of course design. Now keep in mind that there is no perfect method/formula for a landing page. Don’t worry however there are plenty of successful rules to follow.
Remember to use strong call to action or CTA, in order to guide the user on what to do next. In most of the cases that action is to sign-up for your newsletter. But what happens after that? Right after you should ask the use to share the startup on social networks like Twitter and Facebook. This will enable you to further your reach and interest potential users. If you need some themes/landing pages, check out our previous article: 40-creative-coming-soon-pages-wordpress-themes.
This posts highlights 15 online startups that are out of the ordinary and actually look good!
1. TripLingo
TripLingo was founded on the belief that language learning should be tailored to your unique needs and that most learners aren’t necessarily seeking to become fluent. Whether you’re a traveler for leisure or businesses, whether you’re simply curious about a language, or whether you’ve got an eye towards fluency, TripLingo has got you covered.
2. Twickets
Twickets will turn your twitter account into a multi-user ticketing system! When you have a popular twitter account, it’s hard to manage and respond to the fire-hose of incoming tweets. Twickets™ will queue all tweets and allow you to tag, bundle, auto-reply, categorize, delegate, forward and follow-up on tweets as if every tweet is a ticket.
3. Strawberry Jam
Strawberry Jam compress the messages of the people that you follow online and show you the links they share the most – 100% friend based trends.
4. Statusboard
Project Management + Basecamp + Analytics = Statusboard. It’s that simple!
5. Shall I Buy?
Shall I Buy = Social + Mobile + Commerce. We build our alpha at Startup Weekend. Next in line is the private beta version.
Mobilastic is a mobile website builder for web designers and developers
Kickoff’s one sentence pitch reads ‘New sexy thing coming soon to the mac’.
8.Hop Scotch
I have no idea what this startup is about, but I like the design. That’s what matters here
Foodzy is a new service that helps you keep track of what you eat and rewards good eating habits.
ClubDivot makes it easier than ever to organize your golfing life. Welcome to the better way to connect with your partners…
Automatically backup, sync, and share your mobile photos
Your Mac’s calendar will never be the same again.
Bundle and share web content easily with bundlr
The best way to sell used goods before going to Craigslist or eBay.
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