Saturday, June 4, 2011

50 Stunning Pixel Perfect PSD Freebies

I remember back in spring 2010 when was born, it had a little to no attention. Don’t get me wrong people love freebies, but nobody really cared too much about them. The major design blogs would have free downloads articles, that rounded up the best resources we have never seen before. Quickly jumping on the download bandwagon, I had no shame and loved the freebies. Think about it for a second, a gorgeous PSD file that will come in handy later? The thought of that sounded more than good to me. It provided me with tools I need to take shortcuts in the future.

Ever since the launch of 365Psd, tons of great free PSD websites have been popping up here and there. Multiple sites such as Premium Pixels, 365Psd, and Designmoo have gained tons of exposure in the design community. What I personally love most about these websites, is the attention to detail on every single PSD file. This kind of care for the freebies really make me feel like the designer on the other end spend alot of time ,and care on the product. Since this new freemium trend will only keep growing, the next big thing will probably be vector files. Apart from PSD files, designers will create stunning resources and provide them as AI downloads.

There is some good news and some bad news regarding this collection. The good news is that all of these Photoshop files are pixel perfect, the bad news is that we can garauntee that you will fall in love with all of these, thus having to download them all one by one. The files do not require you to sign up or apply for memberships, instead the web design resources are ready to be downloaded 100% free. You can use all the files commercially and personally, thus saving you time. Freemium is the new hot thing, and it looks like its here to stay!

Note: All the images are linked to the download page of the file. Just click the image and download the free files.

1. 32px social media icons

006 big1 50 Stunning Pixel Perfect PSD Freebies

2. Mini tooltips

003 big1 50 Stunning Pixel Perfect PSD Freebies

3. Modern video player

008 big1 50 Stunning Pixel Perfect PSD Freebies

4. Tron Players

bigImg1 50 Stunning Pixel Perfect PSD Freebies

5. Web 2.0 style pricing box

Web 2 50 Stunning Pixel Perfect PSD Freebies

6. Multicolor Rounded Noisy Buttons

Multicolor Rounded Noisy Buttons 50 Stunning Pixel Perfect PSD Freebies

7. Toolbar Icons

Toolbar Icons 50 Stunning Pixel Perfect PSD Freebies

8. Leatherbound Tumblr Theme

Leatherbound Tumblr Theme 50 Stunning Pixel Perfect PSD Freebies

9. Blue and White GUI Kit (PSD)

Blue and White GUI Kit PSD 50 Stunning Pixel Perfect PSD Freebies

10. Slick UI elements

001 big1 50 Stunning Pixel Perfect PSD Freebies

11. Blue featured ribbon

009 big1 50 Stunning Pixel Perfect PSD Freebies

12. The Cloud

004 big1 50 Stunning Pixel Perfect PSD Freebies

13. Quo Icons

Quo Icons 50 Stunning Pixel Perfect PSD Freebies

14. Social Icons

Social Icons 50 Stunning Pixel Perfect PSD Freebies

15. Seek Bar

Seek Bar 50 Stunning Pixel Perfect PSD Freebies

16. Corner Ribbons

Corner Ribbons 50 Stunning Pixel Perfect PSD Freebies

17. Product Box

Product Box 50 Stunning Pixel Perfect PSD Freebies

18. Retro Flip Clock

Retro Flip Clock 50 Stunning Pixel Perfect PSD Freebies

19. Pagination

Pagination 50 Stunning Pixel Perfect PSD Freebies

20. Neat sliders

Neat sliders 50 Stunning Pixel Perfect PSD Freebies

21. Simple Thumbnail Carousel (PSD)

Simple Thumbnail Carousel PSD 50 Stunning Pixel Perfect PSD Freebies

22. Login Panels PSD

post image login panels free psd1 50 Stunning Pixel Perfect PSD Freebies

23. Simple “To the Top” Buttons

to the top1 50 Stunning Pixel Perfect PSD Freebies

24. Cool Ribbon Green Pack

Cool Ribbon Green Pack 50 Stunning Pixel Perfect PSD Freebies

25. Coupon code

Coupon code 50 Stunning Pixel Perfect PSD Freebies

26. BlackUI v1

Blck ui1 50 Stunning Pixel Perfect PSD Freebies

27. Pretty Little Pie Chart

Pretty Little Pie Chart1 50 Stunning Pixel Perfect PSD Freebies

28. Admit One Ticket Stubs

Admit One Ticket Stubs 50 Stunning Pixel Perfect PSD Freebies

29. Album Cover Art Carousel

Album Cover Art Carousel 50 Stunning Pixel Perfect PSD Freebies

30. Custom Audio Player Skin

Custom Audio Player Skin 50 Stunning Pixel Perfect PSD Freebies

31. Pretty Little Calendar

Pretty Little Calendar 50 Stunning Pixel Perfect PSD Freebies

32. Modal Box Contact For

Modal Box Contact For 50 Stunning Pixel Perfect PSD Freebies

33. iPad and iPhone icons

iPad and iPhone icons 50 Stunning Pixel Perfect PSD Freebies

34. Interface Elements

Untitled 12 50 Stunning Pixel Perfect PSD Freebies

35. UI Oink!

ui11 50 Stunning Pixel Perfect PSD Freebies

36. Tagtastic Tag Cloud

Tagtastic Tag Cloud 50 Stunning Pixel Perfect PSD Freebies

37. Menu Notification Badges

Menu Notification Badges 50 Stunning Pixel Perfect PSD Freebies

38. Slider Interface & Metal Handle

Slider Interface Metal Handle 50 Stunning Pixel Perfect PSD Freebies

39. Just a Search Widget

just a search widget1 50 Stunning Pixel Perfect PSD Freebies

40. Mini Clouds Set

Clouds Set11 50 Stunning Pixel Perfect PSD Freebies

41. Tickets x 7

preview11 50 Stunning Pixel Perfect PSD Freebies

42. Robots! Robots!

robots1 50 Stunning Pixel Perfect PSD Freebies

43. Small Icons

Screen shot 2011 02 10 at 2.01.12 PM1 50 Stunning Pixel Perfect PSD Freebies

44. Tabs Color: Social

tabssocialcolor1 50 Stunning Pixel Perfect PSD Freebies

45. Microphone Recorder UI

Microphone Recorder UI 50 Stunning Pixel Perfect PSD Freebies

46. MobileMe Icons

shot 12882460361 50 Stunning Pixel Perfect PSD Freebies

47. Social Network List

Social Network List 50 Stunning Pixel Perfect PSD Freebies

48. Basal Icons

basal icons preview1 50 Stunning Pixel Perfect PSD Freebies

49. Mac OS X Lion Icons

Mac OS X Lion Icons 50 Stunning Pixel Perfect PSD Freebies

50. Notepad PSD

Notepad PSD 50 Stunning Pixel Perfect PSD Freebies

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